Friday, 03 May 2024
505 Esplanade, Lakes Entrance, VIC 3909 - P: (03) 5155 1514

Local News

DESMOND to empower people with diabetes

DESMOND to empower people with diabetes

East Gippslanders living with type 2 diabetes will soon be able to take advantage of a fresh approach to managing their condition.
DESMOND (Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed) is an evidence-based education program designed to support people living with type 2 diabetes by helping them learn practical skills for managing the chronic illness.
Delivered by Gippsland Lakes Complete Health (GLCH) professionals and specially trained DESMOND educators, Melissa and Amanda, the education sessions use group facilitation to show participants how to make the most of their self-management with more knowledge and understanding of their diabetes.
Using a client-centred approach participants and their carers will gain a greater understanding of the causes of type 2 diabetes, the importance of medication, food, exercise, and how the body processes food for energy.
The session ends with each participant creating their own action plan to help them plan and manage their diabetes.

IMAGE: Gippsland Lakes Complete Health’s two DESMOND educators, Amanda and Melissa, will present a series of diabetes education sessions through 2024. (PS)

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Circulation: 3,531

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